Monday, September 15, 2008

and God bless the Haruches, Best Buy, and modern technology....

Okay, this is a post done quickly, but I am so anxious to share what I've spent the better part of two days and a sizeable chunk of my paycheck on. Please turn off the music player once you've gotten a taste of Lee Greenwood and then click on the video below. The scene: an LDS ward building somewhere in either Arizona or Utah, in the spring of 1991. The occasion: a guest speaker invited to discuss his experiences in Desert Storm. These are his closing remarks.



Kimberly said...

Wow, it's amazing the little things you can miss about someone. The phrases, his body composure at the pulpit, you know? The simple things. Great video! And I can only hope more of this is in the future!

Nikki said...

It's jarring to hear his voice again after all this time, ya know? But thank you so much for posting this, and I can't wait for Patrick to see it as well. You're a poop for making me cry, but thank you for this!!

Oma said...

I knew that posting this video would be a mixed blessing and I'm sorry it made you cry, sweetie! Oddly enough, hearing his voice on video hasn't bothered me--I think because I hear his voice in my head all the time. What has been hard is watching him with all of you when you were little and wishing he could see you all now...

Kimberly said...

By the way, I just made two purchases I'm proud of. Both are King's Singers purchases. I bought Kid's Stuff, and their new Christmas album. They are awesome! I will be sure to bring you a copy when we come out there! I needed to have a brush down memory lane with Kid's Stuff, and when I played it for Hannah, she was bounce dancing the whole time!