Saturday, October 4, 2008

I am thankful for laughter...except when milk comes out of my nose...

I must say, the response to my last post was extremely gratifying!! Thank you one and all for your comments, your giggles, and your expressions of concern--they meant more than you can imagine! Unfortunately, it wasn't until the week after I wrote that post that things really went down the crapper. It has to do with both the thesis (which I spent four hours on and managed to revise five pages---I have 70 more to go, so you do the math...) AND the fact that I'm digitizing old family videos. This means I'm watching my life (when I had one) all over again and missing my sweetheart and my babies so much I can hardly breathe.

SO. When I went in to work on Tuesday, God must have had me in mind. On the breakroom table was this cartoon:
I could NOT stop laughing! I know it's a really dumb cartoon and not anywhere near the best that Gary Larson can produce, but it did the trick. So tonight, I've changed the blog title picture to one of my favorites. That's my grandbaby Connor, running through my backyard, trying hard to avoid getting pelted with giant marshmallows expertly fired from slingshots manned by his big brother and sister (AND his Mom and Dad--note the little white objects on the lawn behind him--more missed shots...) and having a blast!

THAT day was a really good day and truth be told, I have lots and lots of them. I just needed to put things in perspective.

Enjoy the music!
p.s. I did leave "Masochism Tango" in the playlist. After all, I've still got 70 pages of thesis to revise...


Crewton said...

I needed that comic this past week. Yes different trials, but trials all the same. To bad we don't live near each other that we could medicate ourselves with a HUGE banana split, chocolate and what ever else we could get our hands on.

Nikki said...

'Always look on the bright side of a thesis...'

I LOVE that cartoon - I have it too, to reflect on when I need it!

You will make it, I know you will! Be like Dori: 'Just keep writing, just keep writing, just keep writing...'

Love you TONS!! xoxo

Kimberly said...

For the life of me I don't get the cartoon although I LOVE Far Side. Ha! Shows my level of intelligence eh?
You know, at some point, you should just write 75 pages worth of "Screw You, and your little dog too, you academic piece of sh..." and turn it in to the review committee. We'll see if they make any critiques of that!

Oma said...

I'm finding out that if you're under 50, you won't get the cartoon---the Bluebird of Happiness was the focus of an early 20th century play/fairy tale about 2 children on a quest for the bluebird of happiness who found that the bird was at home all the time. Shirley Temple made a movie about it in the 40s--bluebirds are supposed to be symbols of happiness. Since I'm not QUITE that old, I only remember Ray Stevens doing a take-off on it in a song with lyrics that included "may the bluebird of happiness fly up your nose...may an elephant caress you with his toes...may your wife be plagued with runners in her hose...may the bluebird of happiness fly up your nose..."

SO. There's your history lesson for the day...and as for my thesis...well, you just wait and see. When YOU get to this point in YOUR master's degree, you'll do pretty much ANYthing to get it done! Telling your committee to "screw you..." will be the farthest thing from your mind!

Kimberly said...

You know what, that was actually an enlightening history lesson! Thank you very much! That cartoon makes so much more sense now!
By the way, they are predicting snow from Thursday night through Sunday. "It's beginning to look a lot like Chri..." is playing through my head!

Kimberly said...

By the way again, I have ALWAYS loved "Camp Grenada". I always wanted in the mission to write a letter saying all sorts of worrisome details or events and then at the end say "but everything's great here! How are you?!". "Mudda Fadda kindly disregard this letta."