Many of my lovely family and friends have followed my...shall we say...colorful progress toward securing my master's degree in history from the University of West Georgia. On the whole, the process has been a delight. I have loved every class, enjoyed every teacher, soaked up every experience, and performed every assignment required of me. My work has, apparently, been pretty decent. I don't like to brag, but I managed to pull off a perfect 4.0 GPA throughout my entire 36 hours (12 classes) of graduate coursework. The only thing standing between me and that coveted diploma is my thesis. It's just a paper. A 75+ page paper. A thoroughly researched, scholarly written, meticulously footnoted, professor-scrutinized, repeatedly revised, never ending PAIN IN THE ASS paper!
I am reminded of one of Randy's experiences in AOCS. When Gunny Buck wished to drive home a point to his hapless charges, he frequently did so with pushups. He would cheerfully announce that the squadron would be doing, say, 20 pushups. Heartened, the guys would drop down and get started. Just 20. No biggie. Gunny Buck would then begin the count: 1...2...3...3...3...3...3...3...3...3...3...4...5...6...6...6...6...6...6...6...6...6...6...6...6...6...well, you get the picture.
It also reminds me of giving birth to a first child. Somewhere in the 15th hour of labor, when your husband's loving encouragement just makes you want to run him over with the car, the thought begins to creep into the back of your consciousness....what if I'm the first woman to ever be in labor for a year? A decade? The rest of my life? Sure, it's never happened before, but what if it happens to ME?
This is the point I have reached with my thesis. This is the reason for the photo at the top of this blog (note the aspirin, kleenex, and CHOCOLATE). This is the reason for the particular song that's playing. This is the reason for the hammer in the "current pages of my thesis" graphic above. It somehow seems an appropriate symbol for this stage of the process. Imagine hitting your thumb with a hammer while driving a nail in place. Now imagine hitting it over and over and over and over and....well, you know what I mean. I've managed to cough up 60 pages of this interesting, little known story that I'm trying to tell. This is good. But it's not good enough. It needs revising. And revising. And revising. And's the process of turning this interesting, little known story into a valid addition to an already impressive body of historical knowledge that makes me want to slit my wrists with a spoon.
So, dear friends and family--keep all fingers and toes crossed that I'm up to the task. And if, by some miracle, I do manage to pull this thing out of my...head--and get it turned in in time for December graduation, be advised that I'm going to do something spectacular to pat myself on the back. This will NOT be a "dinner out and retail therapy" event--this is going to be a "check something off the bucket list" event.....Hawaii anyone???
Mom, you are TOO funny!! I had forgotten about that song - LOVE it!! I'm sorry this has been such a thorn in your side - you remember that scripture where Paul talks about his thorn in his side that God wouldn't take away? You reckon he was working on a master's thesis too??
I'm up for Hawaii!! Name the date!!
We love you and are always on your side!
As a friend who sits day after day at her computer staring at the blinking cursor with a UGA Press deadline looming, I can REEEEEEAAAALLY relate. I keep reminding myself that I felt this way with my last thesis too and suddenly one day it was done. You'll do it! :o)
Note to self: never read your blog at work and while drinking a cup of tea. Pardon me while I clean up the spit from laughing so hard and having a colleague come in to find out what I'm laughing at! Your picture is too funny and so is your post. Hang in there, you'll do it.
You are so funny!!!! I really needed a laugh today!!! You are such a talented writer that your thesis will be the best one yet!!! PS LOVE the picture....ya, that is me most days.
I can't believe you actually let the public see your pj pants and that waterville valley t-shirt! That is pretty pathetic! Ha!
Now with my career change, I have to worry about a thesis! Are there any favors I'll be able to do (sexual or not) to get out of it????
Hang in there, you'll be fine! And I prefer first-class to Hawaii.
By the way, the song made me wet my pants!!!! After I looked up masochism.......
Ummm yeah Hawaii is sounding better and better every day! And the song fit PERFECTLY! I'm kind of commiserating with you, because it feels like I'm going to be in college for the rest of my life! Ahhh!!!! Haha, but love you mom and remember that saying from One Fine Day "I have all these balls flying up in the air and if somebody catches them I'll drop them all." Don't have a Captain Hook complex!!!!!!! haha
Sue, you are my hero! I loved this post and your picture. You will make the deadline I just know it. If you want a partner to go to Hawaii with you I'm always up for some R&R.
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